guys thanks for visiting my blog, was really encouraging....
so one good book turned into one good movie, ya i'm talkin bout five point someone turned into 3idiots. Though the changes weren't that good, the takin of the movie was really good, with a good meaning.... the director was absolutely rite, huh the system has to change, every dad wants his kid to be an engineer, and the kid gets confused on what to do, faded he leaves everything to God's hand he leaves all his dreams as dreams and gets into pursuit with the dreams of his parents, most of the times fails in that tooo..... whats the solution,,,,, nothing! either u fail and take care that atleast ur kids win or u win and let ur kids take u as an example,,, its in ur hand friends.... u decide ur life..... its in ur hands all the time, the thing is are u jus looking at it and go on with ur pursuit sayin all izz well, os wait a sec hold to the thing u have in ur hands and go for It............. u decide.......
confused minds are not the same as any ordinary brain, it turns up doing great things! for eg.NEwton got hit by an apple that started confusion in his mind, and u know the result of that!!!!! so i call this work of the so called confused minds 'distorted mind frequencies' and people out there who are worried bout their confusions, dnt be coz there would b great outputs from those minds!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My Story-Chapter 1
The call!!
Its 2:00 am and it’s been weeks since I’ve slept in this time of night. My terrace has got a plush garden with a few benches here and there. Thanks to the apartment maintenance people. Am getting used to stare at the stars and the unlit buildings…. It’s been my night duty in the recent weeks.
Everything was normal with me a month ago, but lately things began to change. It all started with a dream, never understood if it’s a dream or a vision. Or let me say it’s beyond my comprehension. A night…… a night that changed everything… and after that night strange things started happening around the world. I still remember my first dream and the things happened that night.
Dream-1 and that night:
That night I’ve been to a movie with Deepika, my girl. Movie is never interesting when she is around, coz she is the only interesting thing. Such dark place, with the coolness from the conditioner takes us to a different mood, and the romance starts.
So after the tiring movie experience, I dropped her miles away from her house, took a beer, got to my flat and hit the bed. The dream starts by me running on a bridge, people chasing me, I keep running and running and suddenly stop running seeing some more people coming from the other side too. They did look like normal people but something was strange with them. Then maybe I was scared of being, I jumped from the bridge into the water, I didn’t even get in contact with the water, I startled and got up.
It may not seem scary to you but the dark ambience with no moon or stars which means no light and the eyes of the people chasing me red in colour and 100 to 200 of them carrying weapons in hand seem scary to me. One thing I didn’t understand is if they want me dead, with the weapons they had in hand it was pretty easy for them to see me dead coz they can just kill me in one shot. If they don’t want me dead then why the hell am I running from them?
I got off my bed, washed my sweaty face, gulped in some beer and hit my bed. Couldn’t sleep after that dream, my mind started its stupid analysations. That dream wasn’t that strange rite! Nope not even for me. Dreams have always been that way, especially for me. I thought maybe t’was because of the movie, maybe its haunting me for not watching it properly. But how could I, my angel was looking so hot that neither could I take my eyes nor my hands off her.
Slowly I dozed off coz I’m a professional at dozing off. Had to get up at 7:00am as I had to go to work by 9:00am.
I already told you that things around the world started changing from that night. The news that day morning showed a strange thing. An island near the west coast of U.S has been lost from the radar and the government is worried as every aircraft and ship that’s going anywhere near the island are going missing too. They showed pics of the island, it is actually one of the group of islands present there each connected with bridges to the other one. The bridge that connects this island from the others is the same one, I ran and jumped from in my dream. Now don’t tell this isn’t strange.
I was so damn glued to the news that when I got my mind outta it, I had 10 messages and 7 missed calls from dipps, 2 missed calls from Viren (my best friend) and three from some idiots from my work place. Called back all of them, got ready and head to work. That was when my actually faded and confused life turned even more confusing.
Present (chapter time):
It’s been about a month since I’ve got my first dream and till date my dream count is 23 and my dreams were never this strange. They got even scarier every night.
I got outta my dream analyzing and got back to my star alighting. I got a call, number isn’t being shown on my mob. I lifted the call much outta interest on who’s calling me at this point of time. I picked and said hello and the person spoke,
“Sorry no time for instructions, pack your bags and move outta your flat. There’s a car waiting for you with keys inside. Follow the GPS and it will take you where you need to come.”
Saying this, the person cut the call and I a bit confused called up Viren thinking maybe he was playing pranks on me, but when the call got picked up it was the same person again and said, “stop wailing around. Now move!”
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
coll3Ge L!fE
CoLLeGiAnZ ArE So aMazIn!!
V cRaM, V CrY & V FiGhT fO A SiNgLe mArK. .
V tRy oUr bEsT To kEeP Up oUr pRoMiSeS Bt aLwEz iN VaIn. .
V r fOrCeD To tHiNk bOuT D fUtUrE. .
V R sCaReD & CoNfUsEd!!
V R SiMpLy DiStOrTeD. .
V LoVe NiTe oUtZ & LoAtHe oUr CoLLeGe. .
HaPpInEsS SeEmZ To bE LyK An iLLuSiOn DuRiN LeCtUrEz!
So V BuNk oUr cLaSsEz. .
iMpLiEz dAt V R aLwEz LoW On aTtEnDeNcE & gO HiThEr-TiThEr fO A MeDiCaL CeRtIfIcAtE @ d eNd oF OuR SeM. .
V wAiT fO D SeM BrEaK & vEn d bReAk ArRiVeZ, V WaIt fO D CoLL tO ReOpEn (jS To mEeT Up oUr fReNz). .
V cRaVe fO MoRe pKt mNy & sPeNd AwL oF It oN A SiNgLe oUtIn. .
V LoVe DoMiNoZ. .
V LoVe D rOaDsYd PaNiPuRi. .
V eAt AwFuL FoOd (aWfUl fO HeAlTh & yUm tO Us) & fAll SiCk dArN SoOn. .
V sOrT OuT OuR MiNdZ ViCh r aLwEz FiLLeD ViD StDiEz, pRoBz, wOrRiEz, eMoTiOnZ, LoNg LoSt mEmOrIeZ. .
V tHiNk bOuT OuR PaSt. .
SoMe wAnT To gO BaC & SoMe dEsPiSe dEr pAsT. .
Bt @ D eNd Of d DaY, V WaNt tO ReLaX, SpEnD SoMe qUaLiTy tYm ViD OuR LoVeD OnEz, LiStEn tO SoMe gOoD MuZiK & cHaT AwL NiTe. . Nw dAtZ LyF Fo Us!!
V iMaGiNe. . V dReAm. . DrEaM A LoT. .
BoUt d hApPy mOmEnTz!!
DrEaMz kEeP Us gOiN & DeY aLwEz vL. .
HoPe oUr dReAmZ CoMe TrUe!!
V cRaM, V CrY & V FiGhT fO A SiNgLe mArK. .
V tRy oUr bEsT To kEeP Up oUr pRoMiSeS Bt aLwEz iN VaIn. .
V r fOrCeD To tHiNk bOuT D fUtUrE. .
V R sCaReD & CoNfUsEd!!
V R SiMpLy DiStOrTeD. .
V LoVe NiTe oUtZ & LoAtHe oUr CoLLeGe. .
HaPpInEsS SeEmZ To bE LyK An iLLuSiOn DuRiN LeCtUrEz!
So V BuNk oUr cLaSsEz. .
iMpLiEz dAt V R aLwEz LoW On aTtEnDeNcE & gO HiThEr-TiThEr fO A MeDiCaL CeRtIfIcAtE @ d eNd oF OuR SeM. .
V wAiT fO D SeM BrEaK & vEn d bReAk ArRiVeZ, V WaIt fO D CoLL tO ReOpEn (jS To mEeT Up oUr fReNz). .
V cRaVe fO MoRe pKt mNy & sPeNd AwL oF It oN A SiNgLe oUtIn. .
V LoVe DoMiNoZ. .
V LoVe D rOaDsYd PaNiPuRi. .
V eAt AwFuL FoOd (aWfUl fO HeAlTh & yUm tO Us) & fAll SiCk dArN SoOn. .
V sOrT OuT OuR MiNdZ ViCh r aLwEz FiLLeD ViD StDiEz, pRoBz, wOrRiEz, eMoTiOnZ, LoNg LoSt mEmOrIeZ. .
V tHiNk bOuT OuR PaSt. .
SoMe wAnT To gO BaC & SoMe dEsPiSe dEr pAsT. .
Bt @ D eNd Of d DaY, V WaNt tO ReLaX, SpEnD SoMe qUaLiTy tYm ViD OuR LoVeD OnEz, LiStEn tO SoMe gOoD MuZiK & cHaT AwL NiTe. . Nw dAtZ LyF Fo Us!!
V iMaGiNe. . V dReAm. . DrEaM A LoT. .
BoUt d hApPy mOmEnTz!!
DrEaMz kEeP Us gOiN & DeY aLwEz vL. .
HoPe oUr dReAmZ CoMe TrUe!!
N nO ItZ Nt d LyRiC F D sOnG. .
aM TrEaDiN In d DaRk!!!
DuNnO VaTz gOiN ArOuNd mE. .
My MiNd Z DiStOrTeD!!
My LyF Z JaDeD. .
VeN MuZiK SeEmZ LyK A NoIsE,SuMtHiNz tErRiBlY WrOnG ViD Me!!!
MaNy a FrEnZ I'vE LoSt. .
sLiPpEd & sTrAyEd aWaY!
Fo AwL D FaKe fReNz wHo hAtE Me. .
;jS FcK OfF
I hV MuCh bEtTa PpL DaN U In mY LyF. .
Fo AwL D FaKe fReNz wHo aRe jEaLoUs oF Me:
;tHaNk YoU!!
mAkEz mE fEeL MuCh bEtTa!!
AiNt u jEaLoUs cUz aM MuCh bEtTa dAn u.??
Be iT In dEeDz oR VaTeVa!!
Fo AwL My fAiThFuL FoEz
;tRuStWoRtHy fOeZ Ua
cUz i kNw dAt mY FoEz vL B FaItHfUl tO Me TiLL D EnD!!
Am cOmFoRtAbLy nUmB. .
(MiNd U dZ AiNt d LyRiX F CoMfOrTaBlY NuMb bY PiNk fLoYd)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
abusin thoda zyada toh nai!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heard that Mtv, was actually started for viewer group of age 17 to 20! But the recent shows like roadies, splitsvilla and etc have a lotta stuff which can b given either an A rating or an U/A rating!
lotta 'F'words and 'B' words which are indirectly bein taught to kids!!!! what do u say? is it fine fo kids around u sayin fUCk and bitch!!!!! lemme knw ur views guys!!!!!!!
And explicit content that isnt good fo kids to watch tooo!
and pretty dangerous stuff that shouldnt b tried by kids or teenagers!!!!!!!
And explicit content that isnt good fo kids to watch tooo!
and pretty dangerous stuff that shouldnt b tried by kids or teenagers!!!!!!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
su's lyric!!!
You said the most horrible things,
bout us, bout me.
and yeah........I heard every word.
L'il did you know, i was the fly on the wall.
Yes, I heard everything.
No, you cannot get me ne'thin,
No, you do not have to take anywhere,
and no, we cannot sit down and talk bot this........
Dont try to prove yourself now,
Although i give u a thumps up for the effort.
You are too late.
You say you'll change, that u've made a mistake.
Please, stab me in the back again.
Lie to my face.
It felt so good the first time.
We are through.
Do me a favour and turn around
I wanna see ur other face as i walk away.
I take bk the thumbs up, for effort.
Lets make that a finger.
The Middle One!!!!!!!!!!!!
bout us, bout me.
and yeah........I heard every word.
L'il did you know, i was the fly on the wall.
Yes, I heard everything.
No, you cannot get me ne'thin,
No, you do not have to take anywhere,
and no, we cannot sit down and talk bot this........
Dont try to prove yourself now,
Although i give u a thumps up for the effort.
You are too late.
You say you'll change, that u've made a mistake.
Please, stab me in the back again.
Lie to my face.
It felt so good the first time.
We are through.
Do me a favour and turn around
I wanna see ur other face as i walk away.
I take bk the thumbs up, for effort.
Lets make that a finger.
The Middle One!!!!!!!!!!!!
jus to take the confusion off ur heads
guys, a few people got really faded (confused) on who's blog this is! currently me ( u can call me sid ) and a very good friend of mine ( call her su) are the authors of this blog!
so u would find posts both from us signed by us!!!!!
so done with ur confusion!!!!!
so u would find posts both from us signed by us!!!!!
so done with ur confusion!!!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
TwO StAtEz By ChEtAn BhAgAt HaS ReLeAsEd jS OnE & HaFf MoNtH Ago & WhOpPee!! It Hs AwRdY ToPpEd d NaTiOnAl BeStSeLLerS BeAtInG D LoSt SyMbOL. . I goT To LaY My HaNdZ On D BoOk jS AfTa 2 DayZ Of D ReLeAsE (ThAnX 2 My DaD. . InSpItE F D sCaRcIty, hE GoT D Buk fo Me)! D Buk Describez D Love Stry F Krish (chetan bhagat) & ananya swaminathan (anusha bhagat) starts @ IIM-A. . ThE BuK DeScRiBeZ HoW DeY BeCoMe FrEnZ, MakE OuT In D CaMpUs ( ;-) ) , cRy, d GuY GeTz pLaCeD @ cItIbAnk (wOw!). . AnAnYa geTz PlAcED @ HLL ( Hindustan Lever Limited, fo D Schmuckz Who Dunno Vat HLL Z), GeT DeR DeGrEeZ & So On. . D BuK Z A MusT Read. . It PeRFeCtLY stRiKeZ A cHoRd. . AnD Yo ThAnKz tO ChEtAn BhAgHAT.. CuZ Hs BuK HaS InSpIrEd Me QuiTe WeLL To PrEpArE Fo CAT To GeT InTo IIM. . AnD YeaH, Me & My BeSt bUdDy aRe GoNnA Go Fo CAT ClAsSeS FrM D NeX SeM. . N Fo AwL D bOoKiEz wHo HaVeNt rEaD D Buk, pLz BuY It & rEaD It. . BuY D oRiGiNaL BuK & SAY NO TO PIRACY. . . Three Cheerz To Chetan Bhagat!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bout MeEe!
Namez Sunaina!
Muzic & BooKz Make Me Go Ga-Ga!
Me Shud B & WuD B Vid My Mobyl.!
Rain Z My Season!
Rahman & Greenday R D Onez I Worship.!
cAppuchino Z mY Kinda Coffee & Chetan Bhagat Z mY FavoritE.!
Muzik Z vAt Definez me &
Engineerin Z vaT ------Su------
Engineerin is a complicated term and a complicated study! and so is the life of an engineer! This, i understoood in the first months of my engineerin itself! (thank god the day ended) is my expression after every day of college. days just went like wind, two bunks, one leave(ya leaves and bunks are seperately counted in my account) and three days of head hittin my class bench is my weekly schedule and poof(!) my first year done in no time! and fuck the exams yaar!
i flunked in two of first year subjects and then came my first semester of my second year! the year is 2009 and for this b'day i got my first bike, every guys dream PULSAR (its in red coz my pulsar is red)!!!!!!! hope time takes a u turn and i go back to my school days! I'm gonna open more of my life to u in the coming days!!!!!!
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About JaDeD
- JaDeD!!!
- hyderabad, andhra pradesh, India
- jaded!those of u who dnt know what jaded means,jaded means confused! Ya confused, i'm confused. but tell me is there anybody out there who can say "i'm not confused" let the reason be anything like, those who mugg up their books are confused bout how to b cool and people who are too cool to touch their books are confused bout how people mugg up so much! parents are confused with children and vice versa! And engineerin students like me are confused with their lives!!!!!!!!!