Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dz Z mY FaVoRiTe sOnG (By pInK FloYd) aNd dEsCrIbEz mY StAtE Of MiNd rItE Nw. .

N nO ItZ Nt d LyRiC F D sOnG. .

aM TrEaDiN In d DaRk!!!
DuNnO VaTz gOiN ArOuNd mE. .
My MiNd Z DiStOrTeD!!
My LyF Z JaDeD. .
VeN MuZiK SeEmZ LyK A NoIsE,SuMtHiNz tErRiBlY WrOnG ViD Me!!!

MaNy a FrEnZ I'vE LoSt. .
sLiPpEd & sTrAyEd aWaY!
Fo AwL D FaKe fReNz wHo hAtE Me. .
        ;jS FcK OfF
I hV MuCh bEtTa PpL DaN U In mY LyF. .

Fo AwL D FaKe fReNz wHo aRe jEaLoUs oF Me:
       ;tHaNk YoU!!
mAkEz mE fEeL MuCh bEtTa!!
AiNt u jEaLoUs cUz aM MuCh bEtTa dAn u.??
Be iT In dEeDz oR VaTeVa!!

Fo AwL My fAiThFuL FoEz
       ;tRuStWoRtHy fOeZ Ua
cUz i kNw dAt mY FoEz vL B FaItHfUl tO Me TiLL D EnD!!
Am cOmFoRtAbLy nUmB. .
(MiNd U dZ AiNt d LyRiX F CoMfOrTaBlY NuMb bY PiNk fLoYd)



Anonymous said...

lovely lyrics yaar!!!!!

Anonymous said...

great lyric.

About JaDeD

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hyderabad, andhra pradesh, India
jaded!those of u who dnt know what jaded means,jaded means confused! Ya confused, i'm confused. but tell me is there anybody out there who can say "i'm not confused" let the reason be anything like, those who mugg up their books are confused bout how to b cool and people who are too cool to touch their books are confused bout how people mugg up so much! parents are confused with children and vice versa! And engineerin students like me are confused with their lives!!!!!!!!!