Wednesday, November 25, 2009

TwO StAtEz By ChEtAn BhAgAt HaS ReLeAsEd jS OnE & HaFf MoNtH Ago & WhOpPee!! It Hs AwRdY ToPpEd d NaTiOnAl BeStSeLLerS BeAtInG D LoSt SyMbOL. . I goT To LaY My HaNdZ On D BoOk jS AfTa 2 DayZ Of D ReLeAsE (ThAnX 2 My DaD. . InSpItE F D sCaRcIty, hE GoT D Buk fo Me)! D Buk Describez D Love Stry F Krish (chetan bhagat) & ananya swaminathan (anusha bhagat) starts @ IIM-A. . ThE BuK DeScRiBeZ HoW DeY BeCoMe FrEnZ, MakE OuT In D CaMpUs ( ;-) ) , cRy, d GuY GeTz pLaCeD @ cItIbAnk (wOw!). . AnAnYa geTz PlAcED @ HLL ( Hindustan Lever Limited, fo D Schmuckz Who Dunno Vat HLL Z), GeT DeR DeGrEeZ & So On. . D BuK Z A MusT Read. . It PeRFeCtLY stRiKeZ A cHoRd. . AnD Yo ThAnKz tO ChEtAn BhAgHAT.. CuZ Hs BuK HaS InSpIrEd Me QuiTe WeLL To PrEpArE Fo CAT To GeT InTo IIM. . AnD YeaH, Me & My BeSt bUdDy aRe GoNnA Go Fo CAT ClAsSeS FrM D NeX SeM. . N Fo AwL D bOoKiEz wHo HaVeNt rEaD D Buk, pLz BuY It & rEaD It. . BuY D oRiGiNaL BuK & SAY NO TO PIRACY. . . Three Cheerz To Chetan Bhagat!!!                                                                                                       

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About JaDeD

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hyderabad, andhra pradesh, India
jaded!those of u who dnt know what jaded means,jaded means confused! Ya confused, i'm confused. but tell me is there anybody out there who can say "i'm not confused" let the reason be anything like, those who mugg up their books are confused bout how to b cool and people who are too cool to touch their books are confused bout how people mugg up so much! parents are confused with children and vice versa! And engineerin students like me are confused with their lives!!!!!!!!!