CoLLeGiAnZ ArE So aMazIn!!
V cRaM, V CrY & V FiGhT fO A SiNgLe mArK. .
V tRy oUr bEsT To kEeP Up oUr pRoMiSeS Bt aLwEz iN VaIn. .
V r fOrCeD To tHiNk bOuT D fUtUrE. .
V R sCaReD & CoNfUsEd!!
V R SiMpLy DiStOrTeD. .
V LoVe NiTe oUtZ & LoAtHe oUr CoLLeGe. .
HaPpInEsS SeEmZ To bE LyK An iLLuSiOn DuRiN LeCtUrEz!
So V BuNk oUr cLaSsEz. .
iMpLiEz dAt V R aLwEz LoW On aTtEnDeNcE & gO HiThEr-TiThEr fO A MeDiCaL CeRtIfIcAtE @ d eNd oF OuR SeM. .
V wAiT fO D SeM BrEaK & vEn d bReAk ArRiVeZ, V WaIt fO D CoLL tO ReOpEn (jS To mEeT Up oUr fReNz). .
V cRaVe fO MoRe pKt mNy & sPeNd AwL oF It oN A SiNgLe oUtIn. .
V LoVe DoMiNoZ. .
V LoVe D rOaDsYd PaNiPuRi. .
V eAt AwFuL FoOd (aWfUl fO HeAlTh & yUm tO Us) & fAll SiCk dArN SoOn. .
V sOrT OuT OuR MiNdZ ViCh r aLwEz FiLLeD ViD StDiEz, pRoBz, wOrRiEz, eMoTiOnZ, LoNg LoSt mEmOrIeZ. .
V tHiNk bOuT OuR PaSt. .
SoMe wAnT To gO BaC & SoMe dEsPiSe dEr pAsT. .
Bt @ D eNd Of d DaY, V WaNt tO ReLaX, SpEnD SoMe qUaLiTy tYm ViD OuR LoVeD OnEz, LiStEn tO SoMe gOoD MuZiK & cHaT AwL NiTe. . Nw dAtZ LyF Fo Us!!
V iMaGiNe. . V dReAm. . DrEaM A LoT. .
BoUt d hApPy mOmEnTz!!
DrEaMz kEeP Us gOiN & DeY aLwEz vL. .
HoPe oUr dReAmZ CoMe TrUe!!
confused minds are not the same as any ordinary brain, it turns up doing great things! for eg.NEwton got hit by an apple that started confusion in his mind, and u know the result of that!!!!! so i call this work of the so called confused minds 'distorted mind frequencies' and people out there who are worried bout their confusions, dnt be coz there would b great outputs from those minds!!!!!!
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About JaDeD

- JaDeD!!!
- hyderabad, andhra pradesh, India
- jaded!those of u who dnt know what jaded means,jaded means confused! Ya confused, i'm confused. but tell me is there anybody out there who can say "i'm not confused" let the reason be anything like, those who mugg up their books are confused bout how to b cool and people who are too cool to touch their books are confused bout how people mugg up so much! parents are confused with children and vice versa! And engineerin students like me are confused with their lives!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
h3y that's a pretty neat "debut" you got there ....simple, plain and contemporary...
The first dream however, being an imminent one cud have been expressed, lets just say more mysteriously or may an ironical ..metaphorical manner...but that's just mah opinion...!!!...anyways..good luck wid the story!!
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