Life doesn't lead u anywhere imagining uaself as a super hero or a secret detective or a crazy millioinaire. WRONG!!!!! Not every life ends at a dead end. Steven spielberg
, c.s lewis, j.k rowling and a there a lotta others who got great outputs for their tremendous imaginations. Narnia, harry potter, transformers, jurrasic park and a lotta other awesome stories that they imagined were loved by many people all over the world! So imagining takes life to another level, it recreates a person and takes him/her to a greater heights! WRONG!!!! Not every life ends up as great as the lives of these marvels! There is an another category. There a are a few who imagine and make these imaginations their reality….
Siddarth was a hyderabadi, there’s this thing bout hyderabad that makes people fall in love with it, and fo the same reason even sid was in love with it. Sid had a very normal life, and normal meant, school in which he was smbody who cud speak gud english, high school where he was a nobody and engineering which he hated except for the few frnds he had! so what bout him? Well, imagination had been his life. All the life he had all he did was imagine, he imagines everytime 24*7. OK! That’s too much! Ok lets take it as an expression on how much he imagines. U might be thinking I mite tell the story of a guy named siddarth who is from this third category I mentioned, well ua wrong siddarth is a guy who wants to know if this third category even exists, to be precise siddarth is me! Ok stop ua conclusions rite there people. What I meant was Sid is lyk me or lyk u or lyk every other person who wants to know if chasing dreams is actually possible in this so called demonic competitive world. Its every persons journey that this guy named sid takes up as his!
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